среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

bc business consulting small vancouver

Incidentally I was talking to a friend on the phone last night and he mentioned that while I can grow plum trees from the stones removed from recent plums I ate, they wont be disease resistant. The only option is to graft them onto strong disease resistant root stock. I said it would be pointless to grow a plum tree�from seeds so I didnt have to buy one, if I still had to then buy a rootstock to graft it onto. So he suggested grafting the plum onto a hawthorn seedling (I just happen to have one) as plum and hawthorn are related. Going by that, you could graft onto blackthorn then too, and its very easy to gather sloes and grow blackthorn from the pips. Has anyone ever tried this (I know you can graft a tomato onto a potato root, I did that as a kid). ?�

Xposted a couple of places.

bc business consulting small vancouver, bc business consulting development, bc business consulting.

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