среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

bridal show nj

So, there i was, pacing with fussy baby, when I noticed a littke spider on the` ceiling at one end of my pace route.� As I�turn around I get tht tickle in my brain - that guy looked familiar.� what spiders look famliar to me? I start to think, the only interest I have in spiders is which ones are poisonous to avoid.� I an not generally scared or disgusted, I am facinated by them in some ways, but not deeply.� but since this one is trying to attach itself to a memory, I�figure it must be one of the bad guys.� now, as I flip though my files, I remember that NC has 3 poisonous spiders:� black widow; brown recluse, and a third I�cant remember cause that is as far as I�go.� brown, small [body about the size of a dime]�thin legs [but not "long-leg"�thin] and a low profile.��"how does one make a positive id" flip, flip, flip...violin shape on back.� �I look up.� and decide that I am not going to try and get a close enough look with my screamng infant in my arms.� So, for only the second time in my adult life, I�called for help to be rescued from a bug.� Dan was not impressed, a thinks that a recluse i bigger than that ussually, but he killed it for me, so I�am happy.

***coming soon to a future post - new baby pics [camera is still in car.....
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